Roger Bisby tries out the Flex Giraffe sander I have now tried around five different makes of Giraffe san ...
Like a Flex Machine: Flex Giraffe Sander
|Like a Flex Machine: Flex Giraffe Sander
Roger Bisby tries out the Flex Giraffe sander I have now tried around five different makes of Giraffe sander and each subsequent model has refinements that have put it up one notch from the one before ...
Turning The Screw: Stop Digging
|Turning The Screw: Stop Digging
You can save yourself a “hole” lot of trouble thanks to a new type of fixing device. Warwickshire-based c ...
You can save yourself a “hole” lot of trouble thanks to a new type of fixing device. Warwickshire-based company is launching a new way to install fences, decking and signposts without it claims, the n ...