PipeSnug to be stocked in more merchants

PipeSnug to be stocked in more merchants

PipeSnug has teamed up with national distributor Davant, which will significantly expand the product’s availability.

PipeSnug gives a quicker and smarter finish around pipework. It began life as an idea that Chris Burdett, a bricklayer and builder, had to help solve a problem that he encountered on every job he ran with his construction business. Chris met Alex Lever and in 2014 they decided to form Snug Solutions Ltd.

The new distribution agreement will allow the PipeSnug team to spend more time on product development. Alex Lever said, “We are very excited about this partnership with Davant, as it significantly expands the availability of the product to the trade. The agreement will allow Chris and I to concentrate on  new products, inventions and ideas which make life easier for the trade. Our growth has been really strong since our launch and we are confident the team can do it again with new products!”



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