RGB Helping Charity Teach Youngsters Carpentry Skills

RGB Helping Charity Teach Youngsters Carpentry Skills

The Bideford branch of RGB Building Supplies is donating £1,000 worth of building materials and tools to Bideford charity, Wings South West, to help them enhance the carpentry area at their business and training centre.

Wings South West works to give young people a future and hope. The charity supports a number of disadvantaged young people by not only running leisure activities to help build confidence, but by also helping them learn a skill, such as carpentry.

James Lewis, NEET Programme Manager at Wings South West, commented:

“At Wings we work hard to develop positive relationships with young people to help them feel accepted for who they are and develop their confidence and self-esteem. This enables them to take the appropriate next steps, whether that be applying for a job, going to college, or learning new skills to make them more employable. We want to expand our woodwork area with additional tools and materials so that more young people can begin to learn a trade, and the £1,000 to spend at RGB enables us to do this. A big thank you to RGB for choosing to help us, it is greatly appreciated.”

John Mounce, Branch Manager at RGB Bideford, added:

“We are delighted to be supporting Wings South West and helping more young people learn a trade. During my visit to their training centre I was so impressed with the quality of the woodwork that I confirmed we will happily purchase our next staff picnic bench from them! I look forward to a return visit to see the young people using the tools and materials.”

More information about Wings South West can be found by visiting www.wingscharity.com

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