Dave The Carpenter: building success with Barrettine

Dave The Carpenter: building success with Barrettine

Woodcare experts Barrettine Products speak to David Byrne, founder of popular “Dave The Carpenter” trade video channel, to gain insights into the industry’s current state and how tradesmen can pivot to lucrative jobs.

The carpentry industry is a dynamic landscape, constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of homeowners. David Byrne, a seasoned professional and the founder of the popular Youtube channel Dave The Carpenter, has navigated this evolving landscape with remarkable success.

David’s pivot from furniture and interiors to higher-margin projects, such as garden rooms and extensions, demonstrates the power of embracing change. His journey offers valuable insights for tradesmen looking to expand their business horizons and capitalise on emerging opportunities.

Shifting gears: from furniture to extensions
The carpentry industry has seen a significant uptick since the pandemic, driven by homeowners’ desire for more functional and comfortable living spaces. With a surge in demand for home extensions, garden rooms, and outdoor kitchens, skilled carpenters are in high demand.

David, a seasoned carpenter with decades of experience under his belt, has capitalised on this trend by shifting his focus from furniture to larger-scale construction projects. “Even after the pandemic boom, people are still investing in their homes,” he observes. “It’s a lucrative market for those who can deliver quality work.”

Despite the demand, the industry still faces challenges: “Prices for materials have climbed drastically in recent years, making it difficult to present attractive quotes to customers,” David explains. Another pressing concern is the industry-wide shortage of skilled tradespeople. “Schools often steer students towards universities, overlooking the value of skilled trades,” David observes. “But an apprenticeship offers valuable hands-on training while also teaching you the business skills you need to earn a living – it’s a win-win.”

Despite these challenges, David has thrived. A key factor in his success is his commitment to using high-quality surface protection products. Not only do these products ensure the longevity of his projects, but they also serve as a valuable differentiator, setting him apart from competitors.

Barrettine: the right products for the job
When it comes to choosing the best woodcare products, David notes that “Budget is always a factor, but reliability is paramount.”  His recent discovery of Barrettine products has left him impressed.

“I’ve been impressed with the coverage of the Barrettine Danish Oil,” he shares. “It’s readily available at builders merchants, making it easy to source for projects.”  While relatively new to the Barrettine brand, David has quickly become a convert, frequently using the Universal Preserver Primer and the Armourflex® Ultimate UV Protection Oil as a two-step system to protect outdoor woodwork from the elements.

“These products are especially great for things like timber cladding, which is often used in extensions and garden rooms,” he says. “The UV protection oil is also a fantastic USP – it allows me to set myself apart from competitors by offering superior protection against UV rays. This translates into a finished result that looks beautiful for the long run.”

Byrne has found that many homeowners aren’t fully aware of the maintenance requirements for their wooden structures. “They might ring and ask about why their cladding has gone silver over the years,” he says. “That’s where knowledge of products like Barrettine’s UV protection oil comes in handy. It shows you care and are willing to go the extra mile.”

This approach of educating clients not only helps secure jobs but also builds long-term relationships: “Using high-quality woodcare allows me to demonstrate my commitment to quality and customer service,” he explains. “It shows homeowners that I care about the longevity of their investment and that I’m dedicated to using the best possible materials.”

To stand out in a crowded marketplace, David also leverages the power of social media. He focuses on creating informative content designed to help fellow tradespeople in the industry.  “B2B trade influencers are scarce,” he notes. “My goal is to be a resource for other trade professionals, providing them with recommendations for fantastic products so that they can offer their customers the very best.”

A winning formula
David Byrne’s story demonstrates the winning formula for success in the evolving carpentry industry. By strategically focusing on high-value projects, embracing evolving social media, and using top-quality woodcare products like those from Barrettine, he’s positioned himself to thrive in this lucrative landscape.

For carpenters looking to follow a similar path, David’s message is clear: invest in your skills, embrace innovation, and never underestimate the power of quality materials.

For more information, please email sales@barrettine.co.uk or visit www.barrettinePro.co.uk. You can find David’s videos on Instagram at @dave_the_carpenter_ or on Youtube at @dave_the_carpenter_

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