Festool teams up with charity to promote healthy working environments for UK tradespeople
Festool, the leading supplier of high-end power tools and accessories, has teamed up with the British Lung Foundation (BLF) to provide top quality cycling tops as a fundraising initiative.
With carpenters four times more likely to contract asthma compared to other workers, Festool have previously promoted the importance of safer dust-free working conditions with the help of the BLF at last year’s W16 exhibition.
Hundreds of tradespeople visited the Festool stand for a free drop-in lung health test, with some medical referrals being made for hospitals to check on possible health issues, with potential ongoing treatment.
This next campaign sees Festool releasing a limited edition Festool branded, fully breathable cycling shirt with the words “Breathe Easy with Festool Dust Extraction” and the BLF logo on the back. All profits will go towards the BLF, not only to provide help for those in need, but to also raise awareness of lung health amongst tradesmen who are most at risk of lung problems.
Jonathon Burcham, Marketing Manager at Festool, said: “The money made from limited edition cycle shirts will go towards research into chronic and life threatening lung diseases, as well as the care provided by the BLF for those suffering from such diseases.
“With these cycling tops, Festool and the BLF have come together to raise awareness of the consequences of poor work equipment that leaves tradesmen vulnerable to health issues.”
Dr Penny Woods, Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation, said: “We are extremely grateful to Festool for their generous support. Funding for research is vital in the fight against lung diseases.
“Every year, thousands of workers, through no fault of their own, are exposed to harmful substances that could cause serious lung conditions; such as mesothelioma. We hope our research will lead to the development of new treatments and cures to save, prolong and improve lives.”
The cycle shirts can be bought at Festool’s ebay page here: www.ebay.co.uk/itm/152528024920
Exposure to wood dust, a known carcinogen, can also increase your risk of lung cancer. The BLF’s Battle of Breath study found that more than 43,000 people are diagnosed with the condition every year. Whilst lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer in the UK, after breast cancer, the mortality rate is higher.
Statistically, only half of the people diagnosed with lung cancer will survive six months after diagnosis. It is the biggest cause of death from cancer and lung disease in both men and women in the UK.
Ideal for mobile use and assembly, the Festool range of safe and robust dust extractors are lightweight and compact, ideal to transport from job to job, again saving time for the tradesperson.
Festool offers a range of dust extractors which are suitable for any job from low to high class dust, including general work to anything that is a known carcinogen including lead, cadmium and asbestos.
To find the right dust extractor for you, visit www.festool.co.uk for more information.