Improving healthy working through proper PPE footwear

Improving healthy working through proper PPE footwear

Simon Ash, UK Sales Manager at HAIX, shares insights into the impact of high-quality PPE footwear on extending healthy working life expectancy through mitigating musculoskeletal disorders. 

The growing trend of ageing populations has resulted in extended working life expectancy, as evidenced by the UK retirement age being set to increase to 67 in the coming years. With people now expected to work for longer into their lives, Healthy Working Life Expectancy (HWLE) must be considered. This is the average number of years expected to be spent healthy (no limiting long-standing illness) and in paid work (employment or self-employment) from age 50 years.

HWLE plays an important role not only from a wellbeing perspective, but the predicted labour shortages in key industries, such as construction, require current workers to be as healthy as possible, for as long as possible, in order to meet future economic demand. 

A major issue affecting HWLE is musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Musculoskeletal disorders are among the most common work-related, long-term injuries and conditions, primarily affecting the back, joints, and limbs. As key contributors to disability and pain, research from the scientific journal, Nature, highlights how MSDs hinder working ability, increase disability pension claims, and the permanent injuries can lead to unemployment while ending workers careers.

The severe impacts of MSDs to worker wellbeing include: 

Disability Neglecting injuries through slips, trips, and falls without adequate medical attention and rest can result in the development of musculoskeletal disorders. These conditions are a primary cause of disability globally, with lower back pain alone being the leading contributor to disability in 160 countries.

Declining working life expectancyWhile on the job with musculoskeletal conditions, the constant severe pain limits mobility and reduces job performance, often leading workers to consider early retirement. These conditions can also handicap an individual’s ability for continuing their daily lives within society. 

Financial LossesSevere injuries and MSDs can result in significant financial losses, including, compensation claims, costs associated with absenteeism, and in some instances early pension claims. Financial resources earmarked for improving workplace conditions, procuring compliant PPE, and acquiring high-quality equipment, may instead be redirected towards assisting the injured and addressing labour gaps through rehiring.  

The impact of MSDs on HWLE also affects men and women differently, primarily caused by a lack of inclusive PPE. Taking construction for example, 60% of employers do not provide women-specific PPE and over 40% of employees believes that ill-fitting PPE has negatively impacted their career. As a result, this long-term use of ill-fitting PPE leaves women spending many years working with MSDs and consequently having a poorer HWLE than men, despite having a longer life expectancy on average. Proper fitting PPE has the potential to help reverse this trend by mitigating the development of MSDs from the outset. 

The Role of PPE Footwear in Reducing Risk of MSDs 

For employees who spend a significant amount of their working day on their feet, wellbeing starts from the ground up. As mentioned, high quality, well-fitting protective footwear play a major role in mitigating injuries that can develop into MSDs. HAIX, a specialist manufacturer of functional safety footwear, invests in safety-compliant, well designed, and properly fitting protective footwear to combat the threat of musculoskeletal disorders and help extend Healthy Working Life Expectancy. 

While it is important to select footwear that complies with the latest safety standards such as EN ISO 20345:2022 and EN ISO 20347:2012, it’s important to understand that this is the minimum requirement for safety at work. With the vast number of footwear options available on the market, it is unfortunately possible to purchase cheaper, ill-fitting boots which meet these standards, but do not guarantee protection or support for long-term foot health. 

Subsequently, it is vital to choose footwear that address specific elements in the design and construction of the product that contribute to protecting long term health, better efficiency at work, and, most importantly, the prevention of MSDs. Safety footwear should support the foot, ankle and lower limbs with superior cushioning technology made with smarter materials. As such, manufacturers like HAIX prioritise developing well fitting footwear with arch support, good heel fit, high levels of slip resistance, and uses high-quality materials such as a breathable Goretex membranes. Within the context of MSDs, carefully thought-out designs that consider the job role and different applications of the boot play a crucial role in helping to mitigate the risk of developing MSDs. HWLE is further improved as it provides a better, more comfortable experience for the worker as they carry out their work.

As the age-old adage goes, ‘prevention is better than cure’. Investing in high-quality, properly fitting PPE, particularly footwear, is essential for preventing MSDs and ensuring long-term health. As the workforce ages, the need for comprehensive education on the impact of MSDs becomes increasingly important. Empowering workers with knowledge enables them to make informed decisions regarding their PPE. Employers must prioritise the selection of appropriate footwear, recognising that the well-being of their employees is directly linked to the overall health and productivity of their business. By doing so, they can foster a safer, healthier, and more efficient work environment for all. 

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