Why you should bother with digital marketing for your business

Why you should bother with digital marketing for your business

Does digital marketing for the trades have a benefit? Yes!

Most jobs come from your reputation. Word of mouth, recommendations and generally people singing your praises. But times are changing (in fact they’ve already changed!) and your online presence is more important than you might think.

Social media. Websites. Google. We’re all aware of them. We know that we should be doing something about them but they’re easy to forget about. After all, there are far more important things to be doing and only 6 per cent of companies in 2018 said they were willing to invest in business skills to develop their company.

You could be spending the time that would be spent on your website out there finding work instead, right? Talking to potential leads. Building your reputation. But the truth of the matter is that your online presence does exactly that. Potential clients will be judging you on what you do or don’t have online, the quality of it and how useful it is to them.

The future of digital marketing in construction is now

Keep pushing it to one side and you’ll fall behind, that’s the honest truth of it. Chances are that your competitors will be working on it, no matter the size of their outfit. You might be a sole-trader or a small team, and it’s easy to think that you don’t need to bother as it’s all for the bigger companies, but that’s just not the case. Everyone, no matter their sector or size, can benefit from digital marketing.

So, what are the benefits?

  • Reach – This is the biggest factor. Your potential clients will be online and will be searching for services. They’ll be ready to read about you, learn about you and (providing they trust you) call you to ask you to help them. More visibility online means more clients for you.
  • Easy to track – Digital marketing means you can see exactly where your money is being spent and what the results are.
  • Reputation – Your reputation is everything and, nowadays, your website and social media presence is part of that. This is especially true for the younger generation. If you’re the owner of a polished looking website with an engaging social media operation then you’re winning. On the flipside, if you’re the owner of a poor looking website then it can be worse than not having one at all!

What digital marketing strategies can the construction trades use?

The simple answer is that they can use the same as any other type of business. The digital world can be overwhelming and easy to avoid, that’s where you might want to seek professional help. Digital agencies, such as Shake & Speare, can offer free advice and even carry out the process for you.

As a minimum, you’ll want to have the following:

  • A quality website – This is the foundation of your digital marketing strategy. Everything points back to your website. It’s where you’ll receive most of your leads, present the digital face of your company and tell your clients what you can offer them.
  • Social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. There are other options but these are the main platforms. Facebook allows you to engage with people who like your page. Twitter is a great tool to keep up to date with news in the industry. LinkedIn is an excellent networking tool, and you’d be surprised with how many people have got work through LinkedIn alone. And Instagram allows you to showcase your work.
  • Email – Everyone has an email address, so make sure that you have a dedicated one for your business that can act as the mailbox for your leads.
  • Google MyBusiness – Get your company HQ listed on Google Maps. It means that when people in the local area search for a service then your business will pop up. It also allows people to review you which massively increases trust.

If we’re honest, the majority of this comes down to trust. Think about someone buying a product like a new television. The very first thing most people will do is Google it. They’ll read reviews and spend time on websites that offer technical information, and then they feel they can make an informed decision before buying. It is exactly the same for the construction industry.

Moving your business forward with digital marketing

Once you’ve set the basics up then that’s not the end; it’s really only the beginning. The next step involves setting up a content strategy, engaging with your audience and really providing value to people searching online. Furthermore, those who are really looking for growth can begin to invest in online advertising with the likes of Google and Facebook.

Don’t fall into the trap of setting up a website and some social media and then forgetting about them. They’re tools and they’re there to be used. Digital marketing is seriously powerful, and it’s here to stay- make the internet work for you.

Let us know which digital marketing platforms you use on probuildonline@gmail.com


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