A fifth of small business owners and sole traders take no holiday

A fifth of small business owners and sole traders take no holiday

Small business owners and sole traders take just 13 days of annual leave a year on average, with a quarter (26 per cent) saying they feel guilty taking time off.

As many of us enjoy some rest and relaxation over the summer, new research from Direct Line business insurance reveals one in five (19 per cent) small business owners and sole traders will take no annual leave at all this year. On average small business owners and sole traders take just 13 days holiday a year, far less than the 28 days of annual leave a year to which most employees are entitled. Over a quarter (26 per cent) of small business owners and sole traders admit they often feel guilty taking time off.  

When small business owners and sole traders do take holiday, almost a third of the respondents (30 per cent) confess that they find it hard to ‘switch off’ from work. This could be down to half (50 per cent) of these individuals taking work calls or responding to work messages while on annual leave. On average they spend three quarters of an hour (44 minutes) every day of their vacation taking calls and checking work emails/messages, showing the difficulty in switching off while on a break. It is important to take regular breaks throughout the year, as research shows it helps reduce stress, improve the mood within the workplace, boosts health, reduces absenteeism, improves productivity, and offers a creativity boost.    

Over a third (35 per cent) of small business owners and sole traders acknowledge the importance of taking time away from work, however, over a third of respondents (39 per cent) admit to finding it hard to take holidays due to the loss of income when not working, while a third (34 per cent) said that they find it hard to turn down work due to fear that customers may go elsewhere.  

Reasons for small business owners and sole traders not wanting to take time off work 

Reasons Percentage 
I find it hard to take annual leave because I lose income when I’m not working  39 per cent   
I find it hard to turn down work as my customers may go elsewhere  34 per cent   
I find it hard to ‘switch off’ from work while I am on annual leave  30 per cent   
I often feel guilty taking time off  27 per cent   
I worry my business would struggle in my absence when I go on annual leave  27 per cent   
Even if I wanted to switch off, I’d receive emails and phone calls from others needing something from me  24 per cent   
I worry about the amount of work that will pile up while I’m on annual leave  20 per cent   
I feel I am unable to spend as much time with my friends and family on annual leave due to my work commitments  17 per cent   
I have experienced problems at work as a result of going on annual leave  12 per cent   

Source – Direct Line Business Insurance  

Worryingly it’s not just annual leave small business owners and sole traders are missing out on due to a desire to take time off. A third (33 per cent) also admit they have missed an important friend or family occasion due to work commitments.  

When asked about the benefits being a sole trader or small business owner, nearly three quarters of respondents explained being their own boss (75 per cent) and being able to make their own decisions (74 per cent), were the greatest pluses. They also enjoy having flexibility in their day-to-day hours, which was a benefit for two thirds of respondents, which could help to explain the reticence to taking holiday due to the enjoyment of focussing on their business.    

Alison Traboulsi, SME Product Manager at Direct Line Business insurance commented: “Running a small business often means juggling numerous responsibilities, making it challenging to step away. However, it’s essential for business owners to prioritize their health and well-being by taking time off. While it can be difficult to find the right moment to take a break, doing so is crucial to maintaining balance and preventing burnout. Even short, well-planned breaks can make a significant difference, allowing owners to return with renewed energy and focus.”

For more information about Direct Line Business insurance, visit https://www.directlineforbusiness.co.uk/small-business-insurance

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