Take part in a short survey run in partnership with Knauf Insulation and have a chance at winning £100 in Amazon vouchers.
Approved Document L (ADL) of the Building Regulations came into full force in June 22. We want to understand if these changes have affected what type of cavity wall insulation you use.
So, we’d appreciate if you could please answer nine easy multiple-choice questions in our survey, run in partnership with Knauf Insulation. Knauf Insulation with PB (smartsurvey.co.uk).
As a thank you, you’ll be entered into a prize draw to win £100 in Amazon vouchers. Simply answer the questions and finish the survey to go through to the competition page
For further information about ADL and other changes to legislation, visit the Knauf Insulation Housebuilder Hub – the go to source for tools and guidance to help housebuilders comply with the Building Regulations.
Visit Knauf Insulation with PB (smartsurvey.co.uk) to take part in the survey and be entered into the prize draw.
Thank you for your time – we really value your feedback.