To help create a garden that will not only add value to your home, but also be durable enough to withstand a lifetime of memories, experts at Clear Amber have provided their top four benefits of aluminium decking.
The top 4 benefits of aluminium decking:
1. Snap-and-go installation
Aluminium decking is the perfect option for both seasoned DIYers and first-time builders, offering simple interlocking mechanisms as opposed to the cutting, drilling, and fastening that comes with traditional decking. With its lightweight design and user-friendly installation process, homeowners can expect to have their decking up in time for summer.
2. Durable and timeless
Unlike traditional decking, aluminium boasts an impressive lifespan of up to 40 years, promising a lifetime of BBQs and memories. It will also save you money in the long run, costing just £5.15 per £100 invested, and with little maintenance required, it ensures that your garden remains inviting for years to come.
3. Rust and rot-proof
One of the key advantages of aluminium decking is its resistance to rust and rot. While timber decking is susceptible to moisture absorption and subsequent rotting, aluminium decking maintains its structure even in harsh environmental conditions. It’s the perfect choice for homeowners seeking a decking option that keeps the fun going, rain or shine!
4. Seal the deal waterproofing
Aluminium decking boasts a unique advantage with its full-seal waterproofing feature. This ensures that every moment spent outdoors is free of any water damage or mould growth by preventing water penetration between boards and protecting the underlying substructure from moisture-related damage.
The experts at Clear Amber said: “When it comes to choosing a decking product you might be inclined to choose the lowest cost decking material, however it’s good to compare all decking types before you make the decision so you can get the best solution to suit the type of decking project you are working on. Higher quality decking, such as aluminium, provide lower costs in the long run with less maintenance and a longer lifespan than cheaper alternatives.“
For more information about aluminium decking visit https://clearambershop.com/blogs/trade-and-diy-blog