CCP Building Products has successfully trialled the production of a UK first cement free carbon negative concrete block.
“Greenbloc Technology is the heartbeat of innovation at CCP,” comments Phil Rotheram, GM of CCP. “The continuous improvement mindset that drives our business presented an opportunity to challenge our innovation and technical teams on just how low we could take the embodied carbon within our product, or completely remove it”.
Ian St Hillaire, Technology & Innovation Director for SigmaRoc UK, CCPs parent group, explains: “maintaining the relevance of ultra-low carbon concrete as the client’s premier choice of material for their projects is vital for our ongoing business growth. With this in mind, we set about producing trial samples of concrete blocks at site production scale to push the boundaries of possible. This led to some exciting developments in our Greenbloc technology using Carbon8 carbon-negative aggregate. Combining the alternative aggregate with cement-free technology in the right proportions allows us to successfully produce a concrete block that is not only ultra-low in carbon embodiment but is actually carbon negative”. The results are encouraging;
- Concrete blocks that are 110% less carbon than those produced using 100% Original Portland Cements (OPC), making them carbon negative.
- Blocks exhibit the same aesthetics, quality and strength as those produced using 100% OPC.
- There is potential to increase the carbon reduction to 125%.
Phil Rotheram concludes: “Excitingly, this breakthrough enables us to lead our market in sustainability. Ian and his team will be full steam ahead to next upscale the plant trials and then formally produce supporting EPDs to not only establish the product as fit for purpose but also to prove the carbon negative claims”.
For more on Greenbloc, visit https://ccp.ltd/blocks/greenbloc/.