Advertisement Feature: Sustainable construction

Advertisement Feature: Sustainable construction

Craig Allan, Director of Specialised Sales, ABAX, discusses the role of telematics tracking software in helping construction companies meet ESG targets.

All companies have a growing responsibility to not only monitor and report on their carbon footprint, but also demonstrate ways in which they plan to reduce emissions to meet increasingly demanding ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) targets. This is especially critical within the construction sector, due to it being under greater external scrutiny than some other sectors.

According to a survey by more than a third (41%) of fleet managers said the environmental impact of their fleet was their biggest concern, with the next biggest area of concern being fuel costs (39%). So tackling one of these issues actually leads to an improvement in the other.

The effective tracking of construction company assets, whether it’s vehicle fleets, plant & machinery, or tools, holds the key in helping, monitor, report and reduce the environmental impact of daily operations.

1. Fuel Efficiency and Emissions Reduction

Tracking fuel usage in real time allows for more efficient fuel management and reduces unnecessary consumption By optimising vehicle routes, eliminating wasted journey, businesses can  cut down on fuel usage, leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions, and a reduction in fuel spend.

It’s not just vehicle tracking that can directly help reduce emissions. Imagine you’ve lost or misplaced an important tool. You must retrace your steps, driving back to a previous site to search and retrieve it, in the process using more fuel and increasing vehicle emissions. Tracking can be deployed on the smallest of handheld tools and assets so you can know where they are at all times. You can even get an alert you if you are leaving a job site without the tools assigned to your own vehicle, again minimising fuel emissions and maximising productivity.

2. Equipment Usage and Maintenance

Businesses can take a more proactive approach to maintenance and performance optimisation. Telematics solutions provide alerts for regular and predictive maintenance, ensuring that all equipment runs efficiently. Properly maintained equipment also tends to use less fuel, therefore produces fewer emissions., and is also more reliable providing a better Customer service and more efficient business.

By monitoring the usage and wear of equipment, companies can better manage the lifecycle of their expensive plant and machinery and tools, recycling or replacing them at the optimal time to minimise their environmental impact.

3. Better Driver Behaviour Can Reduce Your Environmental Footprint

Tracking and identifying high fuel consumption driver behaviours, such as idling, and implementing strategies to improve in this area, can also contribute to meeting environmental sustainability goals.

Telematics platforms track actions like speeding and harsh braking, offering feedback to drivers and promoting safer, more fuel-efficient driving habits.

4. Regulatory Compliance

Telematics solutions can automate the collection of data and provide automated reports required for regulatory compliance, making it easier to track adherence to environmental and safety regulations, and demonstrate the continuous improvements that the ESG targets demand.

5. Transparency and Accountability

Telematics data can be used to transparently communicate a company’s sustainability efforts and progress towards ESG goals to stakeholders, including investors, clients, and regulators.

The data collected also provides a comprehensive audit trail, which can be used for internal reviews and external audits, ensuring compliance with ESG standards. This is especially useful, within Construction, when answering tenders as Main Contractors are legally obligated to collect this data from their Sun-Contractors.

Establishing clear performance metrics and reporting them demonstrates a company’s commitment to sustainability and governance best practice, helping them stay competitive in an increasingly competitive and environmentally aware industry.

So it is clear that telematics can help inform businesses on long-term planning and strategic sustainability decisions. Regularly updated data allows for continuous assessment and improvement of sustainability practices, ensuring an ongoing alignment with ESG goals – not just now, but for the future.

A proven track record of sustainability and emissions tracking can bolster a company’s reputation, leading to increased client trust and loyalty. This positive reputation can translate into long-term business growth and stability, all whilst delivering real and tangible savings both in terms of time, but also costs.

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