According to a survey of UK tradespeople conducted by Festool, the leading supplier of power tools and accessories, tradespeople without dust extractors waste up to four days a month cleaning up.
They said tradespersons spend roughly one to two hours every day cleaning up after a job. With a dust extractor, this time is drastically reduced because as the dust is cleaned up as you go, creating a more pleasant and safe working environment.
The survey concluded that 97% of people would recommend the use of a dust extractor to help with the time efficiency of jobs, together with many the health benefits.
Findings also highlighted that some 54% of respondents believed that cleanliness is the main benefit to using dust extraction, ensuring customers’ properties are less impacted by the dust and fewer hours are taken up at the end of the job cleaning up.
Mark from Lancashire, a Festool customer, said: “I have been using Festool RTS400EQ+ and RO90DX sanders attached to my Midi dust extractor for 18 months. It has dramatically improved my painting and decorating business.
“The dust extraction system enhances the performance of the sanders, improves the finish and of course takes away the majority of the harmful particles. Many of my customers have commented on how brilliant the system is and a few have specifically contacted me after reading about it on my website. One of the most important purchases I’ve made for my business.”
Suited for mobile use and assembly, the Festool range of safe and robust dust extractors are low in weight and compact, ideal to transport from job to job, again saving time for the tradesperson.
Festool dust extractors are suitable for any job, from the small mobile dust extractor CLEANTEC CTL MINI (CTL MINI GB 240V) to the larger mobile dust extractor CLEANTEC CT 48 EC B22.
What’s more, all come with strong suction power thanks to the compact high-performance turbine and conical suction hose.
For more information on Festool click here.