One of our Twitter followers Paul, also known as @sospainter, shared these pictures with us recently of garage doors that he completely refurbished, “now fully opening and secure”. We thought that the impressive revamp was a perfect fit for our ‘before and after’ series and so we had to share it with our audience. Even the shade of green that has been used has made such a difference to the garage, it looks so much more modern!

We need pictures of your work!
We want to continue to show people that hiring a professional tradie is always best, so send your pictures to us for your chance to be featured on our website or in our magazine. Either email us at probuildonline@gmail.com or DM us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
See our past DI-WHY? disasters or ‘before and after’ transformations here- https://probuildermag.co.uk/category/diwhy