As a recent review of NHBC claims highlights continuing concerns over the effectiveness of mortar bonded ridge tiles, the makers of Flexim roof putty are offering a solution
Figures show that approximately 60% of all NHBC claims in years 3 – 10 relate to pitched roofs, with the vast majority being dominated by mortar issues. This in turn can account for over £10 million of NHBC’s annual claims spend, with the total cost to the industry being significantly higher.
Recent years have seen the NHBC work hard to raise awareness of these issues in pitched roofing, and in January 2012 it introduced important new guidance criteria. This stated that ridge and hip tiles bonded in mortar should also be mechanically fixed, whilst also recommending that mortar bonded verges are bedded and pointed immediately. In addition, the revised guidelines emphasised the importance of using the correct mortar mix, and although some progress has been made in terms of education, the costly problems relating to poorly bonded roof tiles are in danger of continuing.
However, an alternative from iBuilding Products could well be the solution. Flexim Roof Putty is a ready-to-use, flexible, lightweight, storm-proof roof putty, designed specifically for use in the housebuilding market. It is suitable for both new build construction and re-roofing projects, and its versatility means it can be used on everything from bonding ridge caps and hip tiles, to adhering tiles and tile pieces to valleys and roof windows. In addition, because Flexim can also be used to treat a range of other minor repairs and leaks, it certainly pays for contractors to make sure that they’ve always got a box available in their van.
Indeed, with all of these benefits in mind, it may come as no surprise to learn that Flexim Roof Putty’s properties were formally recognised at Roofex 2013 in Birmingham, where it won the award for ‘Most Innovative Product’.
Reduced hassle, reduced costs
Supplied in ready-to-use strips, the material is rapid and easy to install and is instantly water resistant. The makers claim it can also be installed in as little as one third of the time of traditional mortar bonding systems, and therefore offers significant cost saving benefits for both housebuilders and contractors. Indeed, tests have shown that when materials and labour are taken into account, the product is up to 50% cheaper to install than conventional cement mortars. And, just as importantly from a health and safety perspective, the lightweight strips are not a back-breaker to transport onto the roof and install.
Successfully tested at wind speeds of 110 miles per hour, it is independently certified by the British Board of Agrément (BBA) and meets the NHBC standards. Importantly, the product is also environmentally friendly as it is formulated using natural linseed oil, and it is therefore ideal for use during sustainable building construction.
Jelle Appelman, Managing Director of iBuilding Products commented: “Flexim Roof Putty has a proven track record of almost 30 years, and has been successfully installed on more than 4 million roofs worldwide. We are excited to now be expanding our presence in the UK, particularly at a time when the housebuilding sector is in need of an effective alternative to traditional mortar bonding. The product has many unique benefits and it has already gained significant interest from house builders, contractors and merchants alike.”
Available in black, red, grey, light brown and dark brown as standard, the product is perfectly suited to a range of different roof tiles including concrete, clay and slate.
For further information on Flexim Roof Puttyvisit www.fleximroofputty.com