R A Sidebottom Roofing Contractors in Swinton, fully endorse the ambitions behind Marley’s 2024 ‘Safe in the Sun’ campaign.
“We have to keep reinforcing the need to take the potential risks of outdoor working in the summer seriously,” is the simple message from David Garside, Managing Director at long–established roofing business, R A Sidebottom, based in South Yorkshire.
Operating for nearly 30 years, and with 20 full–time roofing professionals and managers, David and his management team believe it’s a key company responsibility to protect their workers, especially when it comes to the challenges of working on roofs when the temperatures rise and the sun shines.
He says: “Roofing and the construction sector in general can be quite traditional in its approach. But as we all know, there are real health risks when working out in the sun over the summer months, even in the UK’s unpredictable climate. While there’s more awareness about the need to stay hydrated, cover up exposed skin and take breaks, we must continue to remind and educate everyone, so that small sun-related issues don’t turn into major problems, such as heat exhaustion, heatstroke or even the risk of developing skin cancer.”
Proactive approach
David and his contract managers commit to working with their team of roofers to ensure they fully understand the simple measures they can take to protect themselves when working hard on the roof.
The company holds ‘toolbox talks’ on site, which act as a reminder to take hot conditions seriously. The telltale signs of potentially dangerous conditions, such as heatstroke – confusion, slurred speech, hot dry skin, and high body temperatures – are outlined so colleagues are aware and can look out for each other.
Each roofer is provided with a high factor suncream to ensure skin is covered and reminded to reapply it throughout the day as sweating can lessen its protection status. The roofers are also provided with water containers to ensure hydration levels are maintained while working. In addition, rules around covering up – so no shorts – are rigorously applied and essential personal protection equipment is handed out. This includes hats, which protect the head and neck.
Continues David: “We’ve used Marley’s products for nearly three decades and really appreciate the way they look at the bigger picture when it comes to health risks for the roofing community. The simple measures the Safe in the Sun campaign promotes: covering up, using suncream, staying hydrated and taking breaks in the shade, are all commonsense actions, but they need to be actively promoted.”
Marley’s Safe in the Sun campaign
Annabelle Brayford, Group Head of Safety, Health and Environment for Marley, says: “In these health-conscious times, the importance of taking outdoor working conditions seriously is more relevant than ever. That’s why the safety-first efforts of R A Sidebottom are to be applauded.
“Climate change means summers are set to get hotter, and we urge outdoor workers to protect themselves by taking a few simple measures to ensure they can continue to work safely. We’re committed to supporting the construction industry so that workers are fully aware of the risks and the simple things they can do to mitigate them.”
Marley is once again reinforcing the important message that all outdoor roofing and construction workers should proactively protect themselves from heat-related conditions, such as heatstroke and sunburn. To help spread the cover-up and keep safe message, Marley is giving away ‘Safe in the Sun’ branded t-shirts, alongside a keep-cool towel. The items can be claimed at Marley’s website here: safe in the sun | Marley>