Every year, an alarming number of trade professionals develop knee problems as a result of not wearing adequate protection on the jobsite. As part of its #kneelsmartkneelsafe campaign, ToughBuilt has been working with some of these individuals to share their experiences – and the painful lessons learnt.
“When ToughBuilt started our #KneelSmartKneelSafe campaign, we did so with our eyes open” explains Vahe Der Kureghian, the company’s European Managing Director, who founded the campaign.
“As a leading manufacturer of knee pads, offering possibly the largest selection of CE and UKCA marked products on the market, we know better than most about the devasting consequences of work-related knee conditions.”
“Recent research by the IPG found that 75% of plumbers experience issues with their knees during their careers, which is shocking, and completely avoidable. In fact, it was this understanding that led to #KneelSmartKneelSafe in the first place. We felt we had a duty of care to protect people by sharing our knowledge and raising awareness of just how grave the issue is. We want knee protection to be treated with the same sense of necessity as other types of PPE on the jobsite.”
As the campaign has gathered momentum, it has also garnered support. “We’ve had a growing number of trade professionals reaching out to us via social media and other channels who have been affected by the very health problems we are trying to prevent” says Vahe.
“These individuals have commended our efforts and been willing to share their stories in the hope they might be used to safeguard others.”
Reduced productivity and lost careers
The professionals who have contacted ToughBuilt include Richard – a plasterer and dryliner for more than 28 years. Over time, frequent kneeling has taken its toll on his knees, and he now suffers from painful, inflamed joints particularly in the evening and the morning.
Not only do these work-induced knee problems affect his mobility, with going up and down stairs proving particularly challenging, but they have also meant he has to give up his trade. He now focuses more on general handy person/maintenance type work.
With the benefit of hindsight, Richard’s advice to other building industry professionals is simple: “Always try to wear knee pads when kneeling, no matter how small the job is. The damage caused by not doing so, gradually builds up and by the time you notice there’s an issue, it’s invariably too late.”
Richard’s story is echoed by that of Debbie who also contacted ToughBuilt.
Debbie’s years of kneeling as a professional painter and decorator, painting skirting boards and cutting in at the bottom of walls, have come at a heavy price. After two decades on the tools, she has spent the last few years suffering from excruciating knee pain.
Her pain is progressive and entails an intense ache that’s felt all around her knees including at the back of the joint. She explained that the pain does affect her at work, slowing her down and reducing her mobility. Based on her experiences, she would advocate always wearing the best possible protective clothing possible to avoid long term damage.
An uncomfortable fact
ToughBuilt’s engagement with different professionals as part of its #KneelSmartKneelSafe campaign has revealed one of the biggest reasons why knee pads aren’t worn as widely as they should be, isn’t just a lack of awareness – it’s also a perceived lack of comfort.
Vahe comments: “Often, the discomfort from wearing ill-fitting or poorly designed knee pads can be worse than that from kneeling on a hard surface so it’s not surprising that some people opt for what feels like the lesser of two evils.
“Many of the individuals we’ve spoken to have highlighted how previous knee pads they’ve worn tend to slip down the leg with movement. The only way for them to counteract this is to tighten the straps tightly, which cuts off the circulation behind the knee, causing more discomfort.”
ToughBuilt has also received repeat feedback that knee pads often lacked versatility and can be cumbersome for that ‘quick’ job or when switching between different tasks or work environments.
Through its #KneelSmartKneelSafe campaign, the manufacturer is hoping to address some of these concerns. It is highlighting the fact that knee pads, like other forms of PPE, have evolved. The campaign, is hoping to address some of these concerns. It is highlighting the fact that knee pads, like other forms of PPE, have evolved to become more user-friendly.
As an example, ToughBuilt’s GelFit Fanatic Thigh Support Knee Pads (TB-KP-G3) have been purposely designed to offer all day kneeling comfort. Their ergonomic gel and foam design embraces the natural shape of the knee and upper shin, maximising pressure distribution for an extremely comfortable all-day fit.
To address the issue of circulation cut off, this knee pad utilises a double, adjustable, soft strap, which sits comfortably above and below the knee and locks the knee pad firmly in place, stopping it from falling down the knee.
It’s ergonomic design also helps alleviate pressure on the shins and feet whilst kneeling, by encouraging users to stay upright and balanced, and comfortably allows side to side rocking. There’s also a version available with a softer, grippier and non-marring outer, called the GelFit Grip Thigh Support Knee Pad (TB-KP-G3R).
Similarly, the company’s GelFit SnapShell Knee Pad System – which was commended for Product Innovation and as a Safety Solution at the 2022 British Safety Industry Federation Awards – uses patented technology to offer unparalleled flexibility. It allows the user to ‘build’ a bespoke knee pad for every job, by popping a protective and functional SnapShell onto the base layer knee pad.
Three types of SnapShell are available – Non-Marring for delicate flooring, Rockers for use on rough terrain (which won an innovation in safety award in 2022) and Stabilisers to keep you stationary on the ground, perfect for flooring. The pads can also be used without the SnapShells.
“To help us show the trade how knee pads can be used safely, comfortably and conveniently, our activity under #KneelSmartKneelSafe continues to employ various methods – from articles like this one to ongoing collaborations with social media influencers” explains Vahe.
“Ultimately, our efforts remain tireless” he says. “Why? Because if we can help just one person to avoid the agonising consequences endured by Richard and Debbie and hundreds of thousands of other tradespeople then our focus and determination will all have been worthwhile.
For further information on ToughBuilt kneepads visit https://toughbuilt.com/