The technical team at Norbord examines how its SterlingOSB Zero panels should be secured.
We all know what an OSB panel is and what can be done with it. But how should the panels be secured for maximum efficiency and security? SterlingOSB Zero should be face fixed using approx. 3mm diameter ring-shank nails or screws, 50mm long at 100mm centres across the supporting joists. The panels must be laid with long edges at 90° to supports and short edge joints must be staggered. All short edges must be supported on joists/studs or noggins. The panel edges must bear approx. 18mm onto joists and nailing must be at least 8mm from those edges.
All T&G joints should be glued with a PVA adhesive, and the panels should be fixed using approx. 3mm ring-shank nails or screws, whose length is 2.5 times the thickness of the panel in flooring or 50mm in roofing
Whilst not essential, gluing of the panels to joists increases the stiffness and strength of the structure. Additionally, gluing can help reduce any potential squeaks or creaks and CaberFix Joint&Joist is recommended.
Expansion gaps
Square edged
With all square edged panels, a 3mm expansion gap should be allowed between boards and edges.
Tongue and Groove (T&G)
Tongue and Groove has an expansion gap included in the T&G joint. A 10mm expansion gap, or a total of 2mm per metre of boarding, (whichever is the greater), must be left at perimeters and upstands for both square edged and T&G panels.