We recently received an email from a Professional Builder reader by the name of Peter Bott, who’s still wearing the same donkey jacket 53 years later. Here’s what he had to say:
“Is this the oldest donkey jacket still being worn?
The jacket is 53 years old and bought in 1970 from the engineering company, where I was employed as an apprentice.
Originally, it came with a black, shiny PVC shoulder back panel. These jackets were commonplace on building sites, and were called ‘builder’s jackets. They were popular because these jackets were utilitarian, tough and the only jacket available for working outdoors, during the 50s, 60s and 70s.
Although the PVC panel across the shoulders may have kept you dry in the rain, it trapped your body heat and soon got hot and sweaty. I removed my PVC panel within days of buying the jacket.
I changed occupations many times, and the jacket kept me warm working on site. Over the years, it’s been worn, washed, and repaired, endless times. After the buttons fell off, I replaced them with toggles. That also dropped off. So I ended up using three safety pins to keep the jacket together – it’s called it a ‘fashion statement!’”
Well, Peter has certainly got his money’s worth. You don’t get more thorough workwear reviews than that!