It’s our favourite time of the week again! Our DIY disaster entries this week are from one of our readers Paul Stanley, showing us exactly why hiring a professional is always best.
If you’ve come across any botched jobs recently, don’t forget to send them in to us on probuildonline@gmail.com or tag us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Your photos could end up in our next magazine!
Paul comments…
Hello ….. here’s some photos of a bathroom I was refitting in Welwyn Garden City, lifted the floor for access and found this 15mm hep pipe welded to a halogen light . It’s so mis-shaped and buckled, but in the four years that the pipe had been run it hadn’t leaked , lucky for the customer because it was on a pressurised system.
Have you seen our new series, DIY ‘before and after’ yet? We want to show that hiring a professional is always best. SO, if you have a recent transformation or any work that you are proud of that you want to share, send in your photos TODAY! Our latest article from the series can be found here.
To see our past ‘DI-WHY?’ articles, click here.