The UK government has recently reaffirmed its commitment to making homes warmer and safer by pledging £6. ...
Panorama Highlights the Urgent Need for Quality Retrofit Work Amid Government’s £6.6 Billion ‘Warm Homes’ Plan
Panorama Highlights the Urgent Need for Quality Retrofit Work Amid Government’s £6.6 Billion ‘Warm Homes’ Plan
Spotting mains water leaks
Spotting mains water leaks
Storm Aftermath: Experts reveal what you can do to prevent damage to homes in future storms
Storm Aftermath: Experts reveal what you can do to prevent damage to homes in future storms
Marley: reducing the risk of moisture damage in pitched roofing projects
Marley: reducing the risk of moisture damage in pitched roofing projects
Safeguard condenses knowledge into dealing with dampness CPD
Safeguard condenses knowledge into dealing with dampness CPD
Safeguard discusses the retrofit campaign
Safeguard discusses the retrofit campaign
Grab yourself a pack of Safeguard building defects cards!
Grab yourself a pack of Safeguard building defects cards!
Grab yourself a pack of Safeguard building defects cards!
Grab yourself a pack of Safeguard building defects cards!
Avoiding inappropriate replastering
Avoiding inappropriate replastering
Grab yourself a pack of Safeguard building defects cards!
Grab yourself a pack of Safeguard building defects cards!
The problems caused by replastering – and how to avoid them
The problems caused by replastering – and how to avoid them
Stopping moisture ingress on wooden structures
Stopping moisture ingress on wooden structures
How to deal with damp in concrete floors
How to deal with damp in concrete floors
DryRod: Roger Bisby Tests Safeguard’s Damp Solution
DryRod: Roger Bisby Tests Safeguard’s Damp Solution