Toolstation continued its role as the prize sponsor for the 2023 Young Builder of the Year Award organised by Youthbuild UK. The awards were presented on Wednesday 18th October at the Houses of Parliament and Toolstation provided the winners with much needed quality tools to kickstart their careers.
Youthbuild UK is a registered charity which aims to empower disadvantaged young people who are at risk from social exclusion by working with organisations and employers in the construction industry to provide them with work opportunities.
The Young Builder of the Year awards are an annual celebration of junior learners and workers ranging from 14 to 24 years old who have had to overcome significant barriers and gone on to secure employment or further training within the construction industry.
Speaking about sponsoring the awards, Greg Richardson, Head of Marketing at Toolstation said:

“We’re really pleased to continue our sponsorship for Youthbuild UK’s Young Builder of the Year Awards for 2023. Through our partnership we can give Youthbuild UK our support to their work nationally and locally, helping young people learn construction skills and develop careers which directly contributes to the growth and success of the UK trade sector.”
Ian Davis, Chair of Youthbuild UK said: “We’re really pleased Toolstation has continued their longstanding support for the Young Builder of the Year Awards and the work of Youthbuild UK. The awards are unique in recognising young people who have overcome barriers, risen to life changing challenges and achieved against the odds. They may have been dealt a tough hand but their stories of success are both humbling and inspiring”
Past winners have come from a variety of backgrounds; full time carers for parents, refugees who risked their lives travelling from war torn countries and people who have been directly affected by drug and alcohol abuse are just a few examples. The 2023 winners were revealed on 18th October during a ceremony at the Houses of Parliament.
The winner of the 14-18 year olds category was Andrei Avasiloaie who, following his arrival in the UK from Romania has secured a Level 2 NVQ in Groundworks with Classic Builders in Plymouth. Andrei is highly thought of by his employers who have revealed he is one of the ‘hardest working apprentices’ they have met. When he has completed his NVQ’s Andrei plans to learn how to operate a range of plants and machinery and continue his learning process.

The winner of the 19-24 year olds category was Brhane Hagos. Brhane came to the UK as a refugee from Eritrea, aged just 14, without any family or support network in place. Following considerable efforts to work he secured a position with Durkan on a London site in Lambeth. Brhane is studying for his NVA and L2 Functional Skills in English and his AM2 Test, following which he plans to undertake a L3 (advanced) electrical apprenticeship.

For more information on the Young Builder of the Year Awards visit Young Builder of the Year Awards 2023 – Youthbuild UK (ybuk.org).
For more information on Toolstation visit Toolstation | Low prices on 25,000+ trade quality products.