Independent plumbing distributor Mark Vitow Ltd is donating £4000 to the NHS with the proceeds of their recent charity fundraiser. The company pledged £1 from every sale of its four best-selling Korona toilet seats purchased in June and July to NHS Charities Together.
“It gives me enormous pleasure to announce that our Korona Toilet Seat Fundraiser, inspired by the efforts of the NHS frontline staff over recent months, has resulted in a donation of £4000 to NHS Charities Together,” says Matthew Phillips, Managing Director. “We strongly believe that charity is even more important during difficult times and we are extremely grateful for the privilege of being able to support this fantastic cause in a small way. A massive thank you goes out in recognition of the superb efforts of our incredible staff and the hugely appreciated support of our loyal merchants and installers which have made the fundraiser such a success.”
The company has launched a number of charitable initiatives over the past twelve months including donations of vital PPE to care homes across the UK.
Mark Vitow has been a distributor of plumbing and allied products for over 30 years. For more information, visit markvitow.com.