This month GP Alice Fitzgibbon covers a topic many people with have some experience in dealing with – dementia.
Dementia is the name given to a group of symptoms that result from damage to the brain. There are several different diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, that cause irreversible damage to the brain tissue. Depending on the disease, different areas of the brain may be affected, and this is why symptoms of dementia can affect people differently and may progress at different rates.
The diseases that cause dementia are incurable. There is no treatment to restore the damaged brain tissue and regain its function. Dementia is not a normal part of getting old. It is a sign that there is something wrong with the brain. Recognising the symptoms early is important as it may allow for assessments to happen and support to be put in place for individuals and their families or carers.
So, what are the early warning signs of dementia? Some common symptoms may include:
- Memory loss / increased forgetfulness
- Poor concentration
- Word finding difficulties or using the wrong words when speaking
- Finding it hard to follow conversations
- Confusion relating to time and place
- Mood changes – may appear anxious or depressed
- Changes in ability to manage simple tasks like using public transport or paying for shopping.
These common symptoms may be very mild. You might not recognise them in yourself, or family and friends may not be aware they are happening either. Often assessments of people with these symptoms will result in a diagnosis of “mild cognitive impairment” as there are not enough symptoms to fully diagnose a type of dementia. In some cases, the symptoms will progress and become more severe leading to a dementia diagnosis.
It is really important to take symptoms of memory change, confusion, mood changes and word finding difficulty seriously. If you or a family member experience these then please see your GP who can do some simple tests. Of course, not all memory issues are dementia related. Stress, depression and alcohol intake, to name a few, can also give similar symptoms.
As I mentioned before, there are several diseases that cause dementia. The most common is Alzheimer’s disease, followed by Vascular dementia. Other causes that may be less well known are Lewy Body dementia, frontotemporal dementia, and Parkinson’s dementia. Each one of these can have different symptoms specific to the area of the brain affected.
If dementia is suspected, specialist assessments are required. GPs often do simple memory assessments and arrange blood tests before referring to the specialist assessment team for more detailed testing of mental ability. Sometimes brain scans may be required as part of the investigations. It can be useful for a relative or friend to be available to provide some background information about changes they have noticed in the affected person. Dementia is sadly a progressive condition – it gets worse and worse. It cannot be cured but there are some treatments that may help slow it down depending on the diagnosis.
As dementia progresses, symptoms become more severe, and sufferers may need full time care as they are unable to look after themselves or keep themselves safe. Dementia brings problems not only with memory but as more and more of the brain tissue is damaged it can can also affect a person’s ability to speak, walk or even eat, and it may also cause behavioural issues such as agitation and wandering.
Dementia is a very difficult illness to manage. It js hard for the individual experiencing the symptoms but it also has a huge impact on family and friends who care for them. Carer stress relating to looking after a person with dementia should not be underestimated. Early diagnosis is essential to get support systems in place and try to make advanced plans such as Power of Attorney if needed, although ideally this should be done when an individual has good health.
If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s memory, then have a chat with your GP – we can help figure out what’s going on. We can also help if you are struggling looking after someone else. Your local service will be able to advise what support is available in your area or signpost you to a national charity such as Alzheimer’s Scotland or Age UK for further information.
For further information on dementia from the NHS visit Dementia – NHS.