New research has shown that one in ten plumbers have noticed a larger demand for installing radiators compared to the previous winter.
The study, by online heating specialists BestHeating, asked plumbers and tradespeople about the current demand for their services – as well as the types of jobs they are doing.
With 11% saying they have had increased work for installing radiators, the demand to make long term decisions to cut energy bills is clear, which shows as modern radiators are up to 50% more efficient, use less water and are less likely to break, which all keeps homes warmer for longer.
Sub-zero temperatures plagued the nation for much of winter, and storms such as Isha and Jocelyn made for cold homes throughout January. As a result of this, 12% of tradespeople have been asked to do jobs that will increase insulation around a home to help cut bills for customers since November and many have also observed questions being raised for additional measures that they can put in place themselves.
As the nation looks to cut costs, plumbers have noticed they have been called in following failed fixes by homeowners, with 17% stating they have fixed heating systems that were clearly botched beforehand.
Marek Kokocki, buying director of BestHeating commented: “With colder spells plaguing the nation for longer than usual this year, it’s no surprise that tradespeople are very much in demand for work that keeps homes warm. However, the number of people taking on complicated jobs to try and save money instead of calling in professional help is worrying, so it’s important that the industry does more to let customers know of the issues that can arise from botched changes, and that in the long run this can leave them with higher bills.”