More than half of metalworkers admit their tools aren’t fit for purpose

More than half of metalworkers admit their tools aren’t fit for purpose

52% of metalworkers have admitted they believe the tools they’re using aren’t ‘fit for purpose,’ according to research recently commissioned by FEIN.

The research, from the power tools and accessories manufacturer, also uncovered that 72% believe if they had access to better tools, the time it takes to complete a job would be reduced significantly – meaning increased efficiency and, in turn, more profits for businesses operating in the sector.

Furthermore, on average, 32% are having to change their tools every one-two years, with as many as 20% having to renew their tools every four-six months. With 11,100 companies operating in the sector, this could be resulting in a significant level of unnecessary spend across the industry annually.[i]

“At FEIN, we’re committed to supporting those across the metalworking sector who are struggling to find tools that effectively work for the job in hand,” comments Andy Mills, managing director, FEIN UK. “Since launching over 150 years ago, our primary goal has been to listen to those working across the industry and to provide them with a solution to the everyday problems they’re facing, by ensuring they have access to reliable tools that help complete jobs with the utmost efficiency.”

On the complexity of the tools being used across the metalworking industry, 35% say the tools they’re usually provided with by their employer are too complicated to use and they aren’t supported with adequate training upon them being implemented into the business. While just 13% of respondents indicated their company consulted a specialist to solve the more complex problems which require advanced tools – in turn resulting in a loss of revenue for the business, as well as mistakes and poor-quality results.

On improving efficiency across the metalworking sector, the research uncovered that:

  • 65% would like better training
  • 42% are calling for more funding
  • 39% would like better quality tools
  • 35% asked for better tool accessories
  • 29% would like to see the introduction of new technology

“Meeting with end users and understanding their applications at work, while providing them with in depth training has always been rooted in our strategy, so it’s great to see the research confirm our approach aligns with exactly what metalworkers are looking for – with 65% admitting they would like better training.

“However, as just 13% admit their company consulted a specialist to solve the more complex problems which require advanced tools, we are more committed then ever to ensuring we are speaking to end users, understanding their pain points and helping them to get the best out of their tools,” continues Andy.

Upon being questioned about ways to improve, the vast majority (83%) of those surveyed argued that they’d rather have their employer seek out tools which will support the business in the long-term, as opposed to being given a tool that’s only going to provide a short-term fix and may have to be replaced again just a few months down the line.

“The research solidified the fact that the industry shouldn’t be looking to a quick fix when it comes to providing efficient and reliable tools. It really is crucial for businesses to seek expert insight into the right tools that will work for the job in hand from manufacturers, to save both time and money in the long run,” concludes Andy.

To find out more and to download the full ‘future of the metalworking sector’ report, visit

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