Bond It has turned its forward thinking focus to floor levelling compounds. Professional Builder finds out more.
Flooring continues to diversify and evolve. Today’s property owner has a greater than ever choice of flooring coverings and associated accessories such as underfloor heating. To accommodate this growing multitude of options and their different demands in terms of performance characteristics, new flooring products such as tile adhesives, grouts and levelling compounds are required.
And it’s here that Bond It can help. “Bond It has a highly active programme of new product research and development” explains David Moore, CEO at the business. “We view exploring new ways in which we can help the trade to work better, faster and smarter as a core business activity.” It’s this belief that has led to the recent introduction of three new self-levelling floor compounds.
Good, better, best
“Bond It’s new floor levelling compounds offer three tiers of performance at three different price points” comments David. “This strategy allows us to meet the widest range of needs. If a trade professional is looking for a product that’s an everyday essential offering dependable results and good value, we’ve got them covered. Likewise, if they’re looking for a high end solution offering greater versatility and a premium finish, we can take care of their requirements here too.”
The first of the new levelling compounds is LevelMaster LM200. This product is an improved version of the manufacturer’s previous LevelMaster Standard. Robust, durable and easy to use, LevelMaster LM200 is also economical. It is suitable for creating bed thicknesses from 0 – 12mm and can be used with underfloor heating that has been encapsulated in a screed.
The new, mid-point, floor levelling compound is LevelMaster LM200FP. This product builds on the performance of LM200 but still retains a competitive price. “LevelMaster LM200FP is able to offer greater strength, impact resistance and flexibility compared to LevelMaster LM200 thanks to the fact that it is fibre reinforced and polymer enhanced” says David.
“In addition, LevelMaster LM200FP can be used with underfloor heating, and like LevelMaster LM200, is suitable for creating bed thicknesses from 0 – 12mm” he adds.
The level best
Bond It‘s new, range topping, self-levelling flooring compound is LevelMaster Fibre Plus. This product is a next generation version of Bond It’s previous and enduringly popular LevelMaster Ad-Floor Plus.
As well as being suitable for use with underfloor heating, Bond It LevelMaster Fibre Plus is polymer enhanced and fibre reinforced. This ensures all the same benefits in terms of strength, impact resistance and flexibility as LevelMaster LM200FP.
What really sets LevelMaster Fibre Plus apart however is its capabilities in terms of bed depth. It can be used to create beds of up to 50mm. This makes it the perfect choice for very uneven floors or where there is a need to accommodate intruding services such as heating cables and pipes.
All three new Bond It LevelMaster compounds offer a coverage rate of 4m2 at a 3mm thickness per 20kg bag, have a 12 month shelf life, are trafficable after three hours and can be overlaid after four hours.
A further benefit enjoyed across the board is a protein free formulation. This enhances bonding properties and flexibility further, ensuring all three products can better deal with the movement of suspended flooring and especially when it isn’t closely fitted.
A protein free formulation also inhibits bacterial growth making the three new products particularly suited to environments where hygiene is of the utmost importance such as in kitchens or healthcare establishments.
“The introduction of our new self-levelling compounds is a potent example of our commitment to continuous improvement at Bond It” concludes David. “They represent the next generation evolution of products we previously offered. “These products offered the trade professional good levels of performance, but we remain focused on providing more than good. We aim to deliver the exceptional.”
For further information on Bond It click here.