Demand for cleaner, renewable energy sources

Demand for cleaner, renewable energy sources

With increased demand for cleaner, renewable energy sources such as solar, roofers need to make sure that they are upskilled and qualified – for example, MCS accredited – to take full advantage. Sam Tebbs, Training Manager at Marley, explains.

There are several key factors at play that are pushing the drive towards sustainability – the current energy security crisis, climate emergency, changes to Part L of the Building Regulations and, most recently, the government’s spring statement which announced that VAT on installing energy-saving materials in residential properties would be cut to 0 per cent.

Why upskill?

Significantly, the VAT cut will likely provide a host of opportunities in the retro-fit market to roofing contractors and, whilst investment will be necessary to ensure that they have upskilled their workforce, and are qualified to fit solar panels, the benefits and ongoing opportunities far out-weigh the costs.

Why MCS?

Importantly, residential solar systems in the UK must be MCS accredited in order to be eligible for a Smart Export Guarantee – which is the new way that homeowners are paid for their power. If they generate more than they require, the surplus will be put on the grid. As well as giving customers peace of mind, the certification can also help grow a roofing contractor’s business as people will often search specifically for an MCS Certified installer for this important reason – if their system is not MCS certified, they can’t get a Smart Export Guarantee and they can’t sell their surplus energy back to the grid.

Being MCS certified means that you can offer solar services yourself, including managing the process and pricing for customers, without being reliant on other contractors. In addition, having the capability to offer a full roof system installation, including solar, will boost your business as the need to engage with different contractors is reduced, streamlining the process.

Help and support all the way

Upskilling your workforce may seem like a daunting prospect, especially for smaller companies who may not already have the quality systems in place that are required for the MCS accreditation.

However, when it comes to demonstrating the operation of a Quality Management System (QMS), for example, MCS provides a host of online resources for roofers to utilise, such as templates found within the Standards and Tools Library section of the MCS website:

In addition, Marley can help with proof of solar PV installation quality and training course attendance. For roofing contractors purchasing the full Marley SolarTile® system, on-site installation training (for the first installation) is provided. Counting towards the MCS certification, this documented and verified installation training represents a real bonus to roofers working towards the MCS accreditation.

Next steps

To become MCS certified, you need to get the appropriate training for solar PV connection and apply to a certification body to arrange assessment.

There are four elements that are required to become MCS certified:

  1. A commitment to quality workmanship – including assessment against MCS 001 Standard and the specific technical standard for solar.
  2. A commitment to customer care – membership of a Trading Standards Institute (TSI) such as the Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC) or the Home Insulation & Energy Systems Quality Assured Contractors Scheme (HIES) is required.
  3. Demonstrating competency – via qualifications or demonstrating experience.
  4. Quality Management System (QMS) – demonstrating the operation of a QMS.

If you need guidance with any aspect of MCS certification, call the MCS Helpdesk Team on 0333 103 8130 or visit:

Finally, the application normally costs £595 + VAT for the company – not for each individual. However, as part of Marley’s ‘Supporting the Roofer’ initiative, all roofing businesses can claim a £50 discount on their MCS certification application via a collaboration with NAPIT.

For advice and further details on MCS certification visit

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