Chris Heaton, marketing manager at CorkSol UK, explains how the company is working to develop a network of expert renderers who support the use of sustainable coatings.
With the build industry under constant pressure to pioneer new, environmentally conscious building materials, it’s clear that regular cement-based renders and plasters will become less desirable over time amongst consumers and housebuilders. In response to this growing demand for green products, applicators should look to expand their knowledge of these types of materials to give them the edge in a society which has a growing appetite for sustainable solutions.
A sprayed cork coating is arguably the most eco-friendly building coating on the market, with cork bark the primary ingredient. The bark is stripped from the cork tree and grows back over time, providing a renewable source which causes no lasting damage to our environment. Starting out in Southern Europe, this form of coating has gradually become more recognised within the UK market offering a greener alternative to traditional plaster-based products while also tackling some of the country’s most common damp and thermal insulation issues.
With cork being a superior natural insulator, a sprayed cork coating will greatly improve the thermal efficiency of properties with little or no cavity insulation helping them to stay warmer in colder months. A particular problem in rural regions where houses are made from thick stone, this is a great option for retrofitting a heritage property or homeowners who are looking to keep fuel costs down. Not only will the running costs be minimised, which is incentive enough for any homeowner, but the EPC rating of the property will also be vastly improved, making it more attractive when it comes to selling.
Secondly, as cork coatings are made from a porous, natural material, moisture is able to pass through with ease. With the promise of reduced cold spots and improved breathability, SprayCork is a go-to solution for tacking damp and condensation. A huge problem in council housing and rentals, mainly due to improper ventilation and smaller spaces accommodating larger groups of people, damp can be incredibly hard to treat and will often reoccur over time. More recently, applicators are regularly being asked to specify solutions for campervan conversions as staycations rise in popularity. Sleeping, cooking and washing inside a van is guaranteed to create moisture in a small space, but SprayCork is guaranteed to alleviate the chances of condensation forming on the ceiling and walls.
The CorkSol training courses were launched back in September 2017 and since then, we hold around 65 sessions each year. On the course, applicators learn about the environmental, thermal and economic advantages of SprayCork. The course is designed to help applicators not only apply the product to the highest standards but promote the wide range of benefits that help tackle an ever-prevalent climate crisis.
Hosted at CorkSol’s new and improved training academy in Halifax, applicators are invited to extend their knowledge and get hands on with the revolutionary SprayCork coating. These informative training days are well attended by the trade and have become a highlight in the training calendar for applicators up and down the country.
On the day, delegates are introduced to the manufacturer and the brand’s ambitious visions for the future. It’s then over to the resident applicator, who directs the first spray session, and shows applicators how to mix the product, set up the equipment, add the colour pigment and deliver the best spray technique, before trying it for themselves. In the classroom, applicators learn about cork and its benefits, how and where it can be used and the marketing support which is available to support sales.
Following this, delegates are back to spray the second coat, looking at the main problems which arise including overspray and patch repairs, both of which can be combatted by the thin profile of SprayCork. Each applicator is given a question book to complete before being listed as an approved applicator.
There are currently over 160 CorkSol approved applicators nationwide. It has always been important to the company to curate and maintain a list of trusted professionals, who are confident using this spray cork coating for their projects. Once approved, applicators don’t need to update their certification, as ongoing jobs promote correct application, but CorkSol is always available to offer offsite assistance and provides an annual open day to focus on spraying methods and answer any questions.
If you would like to register your interest to attend a training day visit www.corksoluk.com/approved-applicators
For further information on Corksol visit www.corksoluk.com