The Skills Centre, one of the UK’s leading construction training providers, has launched a cutting-edge a ...
The Skills Centre launches innovative dry lining apprenticeships in London and Essex
The Skills Centre launches innovative dry lining apprenticeships in London and Essex
Applications open for BMI’s industry-leading roofing apprenticeship competition
Applications open for BMI’s industry-leading roofing apprenticeship competition
IfATE approves the development of new Level 2 and 3 apprenticeship standards for plumbing
IfATE approves the development of new Level 2 and 3 apprenticeship standards for plumbing
SR Timber supports roof slating & tiling apprentices
SR Timber supports roof slating & tiling apprentices
Report commissioned by reveals huge skills gap
Report commissioned by reveals huge skills gap
Funding boost for apprenticeships
Funding boost for apprenticeships
Dulux Academy supported National Apprenticeship Week
Dulux Academy supported National Apprenticeship Week
Is your apprentice the nation’s number one?
Is your apprentice the nation’s number one?
Research identifies barriers to taking on apprentices
Research identifies barriers to taking on apprentices
Apprentice decorator 2018 is named
Apprentice decorator 2018 is named
WorldSkills UK: Calling All Apprentices
WorldSkills UK: Calling All Apprentices
WorldSkills UK: What it Takes to Go for Gold
WorldSkills UK: What it Takes to Go for Gold
WorldSkills UK: Why Skills Competitions Are So Important
WorldSkills UK: Why Skills Competitions Are So Important
Get Involved in the Apprentice Scholarship
Get Involved in the Apprentice Scholarship
Apprentice Profile: Heat Engineer Sophie Jenkins
Apprentice Profile: Heat Engineer Sophie Jenkins