Housing Minister backs FMB’s call to boost SME builders

Housing Minister backs FMB’s call to boost SME builders

Speaking at the Labour Party Conference, Housing Minister Matthew Pennycook MP expressed concerns that the UK is overly reliant on a small number of volume builders and that we must diversify the market, backing a long-term call from the Federation of Master Builders (FMB).

“Forty years ago around 40 per cent of new homes in Britain were built by SMEs,” declares Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the FMB. “Today that figure stands at around 10 per cent. The target of 1.5 million new homes will require houses to be built at a rate not seen since the 1960s. I am delighted to see the new Minister acknowledge the crucial role SME builders will have in delivering on these goals and welcome the opportunity to work with him on this issue.”

Berry continued: “Small builders experience substantial barriers to the housing market. The Government have announced significant planning reforms, which is a positive first step, however we need to see more small sites unlocked by ensuring that provisions in the NPPF are being followed at local level. There must also be more dedicated resources given to local authority planning departments, specifically to support small builders navigate the planning system.”

For further information on the Federation of Master Builders’ SME Housebuilding campaign click here

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