The other major political parties should take note of the Green Party’s plans to insulate nine million existing homes, the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) has said in response to the launch of the ‘Green Guarantee’ manifesto.
Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the FMB, said: “The Green Party’s vision on retrofitting nine million of the UK’s existing homes is a welcome reminder of an environmental and social necessity that seems to have fallen off the political agenda in recent years.
“A serious programme of investment to retrofit existing properties is sorely needed to bring British homes, which are among the oldest in Europe, up to scratch and limit ever-spiralling energy bills and high levels of fuel poverty.
“There’s a danger that in our drive to increase the number of new build homes, the subject of how we make our existing ones fit for modern living will continue to be neglected.”
Berry concluded: “At a time when both the Conservatives and Labour are proposing tinkering with the private energy market to push down bills, an ambitious retrofitting programme offers a more elegant, simpler alternative that could start on June 9th and would provide a significant economic stimulus and create thousands of jobs.
“One in four British households live in fuel poverty and a major factor behind this is the poor energy efficiency of much of our existing housing stock. Moreover, taken together our homes account for over a quarter of all carbon emissions.
“The Green Party has recognised that both of these issues need to be tackled together and whoever wins the election would do well to take this lesson on board.”