Despite the advent of the digital world and an increasingly style-savvy consumer profile, a new survey by Bristan has revealed that plumbers still play a vital role in advising their customers on which products to go for.
According to a survey amongst Bristan Connect installers, around three quarters (74%) said their customers will ask them for advice when choosing a product, while over one in ten (13%) said they usually make recommendations to clients.
What’s more, an impressive 80% admitted that their customers prefer it when they are able to provide advice which will help with their interior design aspirations. This follows a third of respondents (33%) stating that today’s modern consumer is typically a lot more interior design focused.
Further testament to the plumber’s pivotal role in purchasing decisions, a separate study recently revealed that an impressive 98% think it is part of a good plumber’s job to provide advice on water efficiency and 92% regularly talk to customers about which products can help save water.
Hayley Holland, marketing manager at Bristan comments: “It is great to see plumbers take such an enthusiastic and active role in helping their customers to choose the right products for their specific needs. After all, while a consumer may have a particular design idea in mind, it is the plumber who is typically best placed to recommend the products to make it a reality.”
She adds: “This is why it is so important that plumbers continue to research the market and keep up to date with the latest technologies, thus ensuring they can make informed recommendations and, in turn, ensure a satisfied customer.”
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