World’s first compostable corrosion inhibiting stretch film (Patent Pending) now available from Cortec!

World’s first compostable corrosion inhibiting stretch film (Patent Pending) now available from Cortec!

For decades, Cortec® Corporation has been a notable leader in the development of corrosion protection and packaging technologies that minimize environmental impact. Adding to its long line of commercially compostable film technologies, Cortec® has recently taken plastics packaging to a new level by formulating EcoStretch powered by Nano VpCI®: the world’s first commercially compostable corrosion-inhibiting stretch film!

This revolutionary machine-grade stretch wrap combines commercially compostable resins with Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor Technology (VpCI®) for corrosion protection of multiple metal types, including aluminum, galvanized steel, carbon steel, silicon steel, stainless steel, copper, brass, and cast iron. EcoStretch meets the ASTM D6400 standard for commercial composting* and may avoid tariffs, fines, and tip fees in areas where polyethylene is prohibited or restricted. It is perfect for stretch-wrapping metal equipment or components that need to be kept rust-free while minimizing the environmental impact of traditional plastic packaging.

EcoStretch has many exciting potential applications for warehousing or shipment of metals:

  • Bundling of metal parts
  • Palletizing of metal equipment
  • Packaging of steel coils

Workers can simply substitute EcoStretch on existing stretch-wrapping equipment and use as normal, increasing tension as needed since EcoStretch is highly elastic. The self-adhering film bonds each layer to itself for added strength. Once the metals are wrapped, EcoStretch will provide contact, barrier, and vapor-phase corrosion inhibition while also helping keep dust, dirt, and moisture off warehouse stock. EcoStretch is shelf and curb stable and will retain its integrity until disposed of properly. After use, the EcoStretch can be sent to a commercial composting facility to turn into a soil amendment for future use rather than adding to plastic buildup in landfills or—even worse—in the environment. Industries that stand to benefit are countless:

  • Appliance industry
  • Automotive industry
  • Electronics industry
  • Energy industry
  • Engine and turbine industry
  • Marine industry
  • Manufacturing industry
  • Mining industry
  • Structural steel industry
  • Tubing and pipe industry

Laboratory Compostability Study in Accordance with ASTM D6400 and EN 13432

  • Day 1.1
  • Week 3
  • Week 6

With the increasing concern about environmental pollution and tightening restrictions on plastics use, EcoStretch is becoming available at a critical time when industries will be looking for new options that meet their packaging needs while improving their environmental footprint. EcoStretch goes above and beyond by providing a commercially compostable stretch film with extra corrosion inhibiting benefit for one-step stretch-wrapping and corrosion protection of metals. This is ideal for industries who need to continue stretch-wrapping and protecting their goods, but who are also looking for new initiatives to help them improve their environmental footprint. EcoStretch is available for worldwide distribution from Cortec® Advanced Films (Cambridge, Minnesota) in North America and EcoCortec® (Beli Manastir, Croatia) in Europe. Contact Cortec® today for more information about this commercially compostable corrosion inhibiting stretch film technology:

Cortec® Advanced Films:


*This product is intended to be composted in a commercial composting facility operated in accordance with best management practices. Check locally to see if such a facility exists in your community and if they will accept this product. Not suitable for backyard composting.

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