H+H Internal Development Manager Steven Knight explains the H+H Recommended Contractor Scheme, aimed at assisting contractors in finding new business and providing quality assurances for clients.
As the industry becomes increasingly competitive in nature, contractors face a continuous battle to prove their worth and win new business.
To thrive and survive in a difficult jobs market, where Brexit has placed large question marks over the housing market, as well as the wider building industry, contractors must rely on their reputation and the quality of their work to keep them afloat.
Reputation is more important than many think. A recent FMB survey showed that a fifth of consumers requiring building or repair work delayed projects due to fears about the cost and quality of the tradespeople involved.
A quarter also believed costs would be higher than the quoted price, and one in seven thought that the quality of building would be poor.
With such worry amongst consumers, the Recommended Contractor Scheme from H+H is invaluable. The scheme provides work for contractors, while ensuring the consumer gets the highest quality builders working on their projects, which provides peace of mind.
The scheme is designed to award accreditation to contractors who achieve a high standard with the H+H Thin-Joint System. The manufacturer will then actively promote its Recommended Contractors for jobs in their surrounding area.
Mick Hall is the Managing Director of Lynnrose Building Services. The firm, based in Newark, became a Recommended Contractor earlier in the year, and has already seen how beneficial the scheme can be for a business.
“Only three days after becoming a Recommended Contractor, H+H came to me and put me into contact with a client who needed five houses in his property development completed using the H+H Thin-Joint System,” Mick says.
“Having the backing of a respected manufacturer is really crucial for earning the trust of potential clients and consumers.”
To become part of the Recommended Contractor Scheme is a straightforward process. Contractors send in an application to apply for Recommended Contractor accreditation. After this, inspectors from H+H visit the site of three previous Thin-Joint projects, as well as inspecting a current project. At this point, a contractor gains the accreditation.
Curious about the benefits of using aircrete and the Thin-Joint System, Mick got into contact with H+H about an upcoming project and was impressed with the level of assistance he was provided with.
“I was blown away by the support I was offered. I had done a bit of research into aircrete, and the speed and quality of the work was really impressive,” Mick said.
Lynnrose Building’s first project using the company’s products began in June 2015, and the their work on the project was assessed by H+H as part of the Recommended Contractor approvals process.
The second site inspection took place in December of 2015, after which Mich and his team were given Recommended Contractor status. The firm carried out its first job as a Recommended Contractor in January 2016.
“Being a member of the Recommended Contractor Scheme tells potential clients that Lynnrose must be doing something right. I am interested in anything that I can do to open up new business avenues and show that my work is of the highest standard.
“This is a prestigious group of contractors who are producing a consistently high quality of work. This gives the client assurances that they can rely on us for any job that they require.”
It is an uncertain time for builders and contractors across Britain. With competition for projects as high as ever, confidence is king. With the Recommended Contractor Scheme, clients can rest assured knowing that they have hired the highest quality contractors, using the most cutting-edge construction techniques for their dream home.