1,600 more bricklayer apprentices needed each year to reach 300,000 new homes. ABC member Grayson helps to tackle the UK’s concerning shortage.
As a member of the Association of Brickwork Contractors, market-leading construction consumables supplier Grayson has become a firm supporter of the trade body’s assessment centre which offers employer-led, onsite training and NVQ accreditation. The associate membership demonstrates the commitment to the values and goals of the ABC and Grayson’s support to specialist brickwork contractors across the UK.
The ABC saw a significant drop-out rate amongst diploma students specifically and a 3 in 10 conversion rate from colleges to industry, recognising that something needed to be done to raise the level and create brickwork ‘super’ colleges where the ABC’s standard of approval and level of quality gets passed on to diploma students. The idea is to equip college finishers with the up-to-date skills and knowledge they need to contribute significantly to sitework.
Well known for its innovative masonry products and expertise, the supply of modern and state-of-the-art sundries to training centres is paramount to Grayson in order to give budding bricklayers the opportunity to gain experience working with the materials used onsite. On top of supporting the ABC Assessment Centre, Grayson works alongside the NHBC to teach and educate apprentices on the use of sustainable and innovative equipment, whilst providing the training hubs with the necessary materials and tools required.
Tony Higson, Managing Director at Grayson, says: “The government’s recent decision to add bricklayers to the Shortage Occupation List highlights the concerning nationwide issue and we must work on upskilling and empowering young talent whilst ensuring the trade appeals to the younger generation.
We are proud to be supporting the ABC in its mission to deliver top-quality brick training in the UK. The aim is to maintain and improve the quality of tradesmanship through unique learning interventions, honing in on the latest innovations and construction technologies. Onsite, there’s a growing feeling that the level of workmanship has not necessarily kept pace with the evolution of new products and brick-laying techniques.”
Eve Livett, CEO at the ABC, says: “1,600 more bricklayer apprentices are needed each year in order to reach 300,000 new homes. Since 2018, we’ve been trying to raise the bar in terms of training within the brickwork industry and seek to reduce the skills gaps as well as eradicate fraudulent or insufficient onsite assessment so that all brickwork contractors have a fully qualified and competent workforce.
We work very closely with the members of the ABC and they are doing all they can to facilitate the upskilling on sites and increase relationships with educational centres to boost the level of training. Grayson works as a proactive partner to all those involved in the masonry sector, listening to the challenges faced and developing innovative solutions to overcome them. They are also committed to improving the experience of future construction workers.”
For more on the Association of Brickwork Contractors, visit: Association of Brickwork Contractors (aofbc.co.uk).
For more on Grayson, visit Homepage – Grayson (GB) Ltd (grayson-gb.com).